Sabtu, 12 September 2009

Membuat Koneksi Dial Speedy di PC

Berikut langkah-langkah untuk membuat koneksi Dial speedy berdasarkan OS yang anda gunakan....

Windows XP

1. Click Start
2. Click control Panel
3. Click Network connections
4. Click Create a new connection, Next
5. Pilih Connect to the internet, Next
6. Pilih Set up my connection mannually, Next
7. Pilih Connect using a broadband connection that requires a user name and password, Next
8. Ketikkan ISP Name : Speedy, Next
9. Ketikkan user name speedy anda, yaitu nomor speedy anda diikuti dgn (misal: dan ketik password speedy anda, Next
10. Jika kamu ingin menambahkan shortcut pada desktop, cheklist Add shortcut to this connection to my desktop, setelah itu klik Finish.

Windows Vista

1. Click Start
2. Click Connect to
3. Click Set up a connection or network
4. Pilih Connect to the internet, Next
5. If you have another Connection, pilih Set up a new connection anyway
6. Klik Create a new connection, Next
7. Pilih Broadband (PPPoE)
8. Ketikkan user name speedy anda, yaitu nomor speedy anda diikuti dgn (misal: dan ketik password speedy anda. Dan klik Connect
10. Connected

Mac OS (Tiger)

1. Click System Preferences
2. Click Network
3. Pic Built-in Network
4. Click PPPoE, Cheklist
5. Service Provider: Telkom
6. Account Name: (
7. Password: (password From provider)
8. PPPoE Service Name: Speedy
9. Apply Now

Selamat Mencoba...!!!

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